Lunch Keynote Session: Your Brain on Change


Calgary AB

June 12, 2018
Event Type
Canadian Conference
Heather Maitland

Learning Objectives:
1. Learn why change is challenging, from a neurological point of view
2. Learn what leaders can do to help both themselves and others through change
3. Learn about resources and thought leaders in the field of neuroleadership

Description: Many books and resources on leadership work off a normative assumption that human beings are rational and reasonable. They share well-formed leadership and change models and offer steps outlining how these models can be implemented. But anyone who has led a change initiative knows that people can be anything but rational and reasonable in the face of change – in fact, people can be downright unpredictable and resistant. What happens to us when we are experiencing change – neurologically? Join Heather Maitland to discuss what occurs when we experience change and what leaders can do to help people through times of uncertainty.
1.0 hr CE