Dodd-Frank Update


Fort Lauderdale, FL
United States

October 6, 2015
Event Type
Annual Conference
Lauren Teigland-Hunt, Phillip Lookadoo, Daryl Rice

IECA’s Dodd-Frank Working Group continues to address various issues impacting the energy sector. A handful of major rules remain to be issued: Margin Requirements, Position Limits, Capital Requirements, and the Volcker Rule. The CFTC says it wants to modify its swap rules and interpretations to ensure that markets will actually work to allow commercial endusers to hedge their commercial risks. Other pressing issues: Liquidity concerns detrimentally affecting all financial markets; Buyside adherence to the ISDA Resolution Stay Protocol with G-18 Bank counterparties; Impact of over $300 Billion in legal costs to major banks from enforcement investigations since the
financial crisis; and Efforts to educate the CFTC in its growing regulatory role over the energy industry! Come join us for a discussion on the latest issues that impact our members.