Our Mission and Who We Are
The IECA or International Energy Credit Association is a non-profit association geared towards aiding professionals who are directly or indirectly related to the credit risk function in their respective company. The IECA has members in over 15 countries across the globe and hosts educational and networking events in the United States, Canada, Europe & Asia.
Promote the professionalism of its members by providing continuing education and a forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to credit and financial management of the energy industry.
Be the thought leader in international energy credit risk management.
The core values of the IECA are: Respect, Integrity, Collaboration, Accountability, Transparency, Vision.
The Bylaws serve as the framework on which the governance of IECA is based.
Download the 2019 Year-End Report to Membership. This is a look back at highlights and achievements–perfect to share with colleagues and decision-makers at your company!
The 4 Strategic Pillars of the IECA
Do you know what the 4 pillars of the IECA are and what they mean to the IECA?
Through the 4 pillars (the core segments of the IECA) it is the Board’s mission to ensure that the IECA is properly positioned to serve its membership, provide the most value and ensure sound association governance. Through strategic planning initiatives, the Board of Directors identifies areas of risk, improvement, and opportunities which have translated to 4 strategic pillars as follows:
- Implement new committee structure/oversight and establish and document expectations of education groups
- Support new education groups to build awareness within the IECA members
- Drive a global education agenda
Members & Stakeholders
- Communicate and enhance membership value proposition
- Identify membership expansion and provide strategic marketing goals
- Track and drive member retention efforts
- Identify and implement solutions to boost member engagement
Communication & Technology
- Implement effective communication to different audiences
- Provide relevant and current website/mobile app offerings
- “Voice” development
- Strategic Alliances
- Identify prospective leaders from the membership
- Develop effective communication of IECA organizational structure, path to leadership and expectations
- Identify and facilitate leadership training opportunities
- Develop and maintain a database of existing and potential volunteer leaders
The History of IECA
The International Energy Credit Association, Inc. (IECA) is the oldest international industry credit association in the United States. Its membership includes companies located in the United States, Canada, most Western European countries, Mexico, South America, Asia, and Africa. Most recently, members were recruited in Mexico, South America and Asia. There are approximately 1,200 members representing over 500 large, medium, and small companies.
Historical Highlights:
- IECA was formed in 1923 as the Petroleum Refiners Bureau of the National Association of Credit Men (NACM), in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The purpose was to provide a credit reporting service to petroleum refiners on tank car accounts.
- The focus of the organization changed in 1941 and it became known as the Petroleum Division of the National Association of Credit Men (NACM).
- In 1946, a new set of by-laws was adopted including a name change to American Petroleum Credit Association.
- In 1979, the APCA became a Minnesota corporation and its new name became the American Petroleum Credit Association,Inc.
- In 1992, to reflect the international scope and character of its membership, the name of the association was officially changed to the International Petroleum Credit Association, Inc.
- In 1994, a second category of membership was added to include those companies that offer credit, financial or legal support services to the petroleum credit industry.
- In 1998, the name was changed to International Energy Credit Association, Inc. to reflect the changes in the marketplace and include credit professionals in the power/electricity segments of the industry.
- In 2008, the Contracts and Legal Educational Group (CLEG) formed to address the needs of those professionals within the energy credit industry including addressing issues such as Dodd-Frank.
- In 2014, the group celebrated their 90th Annual Conference in Palm Desert, CA.
- In 2015, the IECA introduced three new education and networking groups to join CLEG: the Credit Analytics Education Group (CAEG), the Developing Energy Professionals Group (DEPG), and the Professional Women in Energy Group (PWEG).
- In 2016, the IECA introduced student membership.
- In 2017, the IECA’s PWEG changes their mission to expand to all types of Diversity (beyond gender diversity) and becomes PDIG, Professionals for Diversity and Inclusion Group.
- In 2018-2019, the IECA formed 3 new Working Groups, and re-named the popular Dodd-Frank Working Group to the Commodity Regulation Working Group (CRWG) since these topics and discussions range beyond Dodd-Frank issues.
1300 Piccard Dr LL-14 • Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (202) 963-5370 • Fax: (301) 258-9771
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