Master Agreement Gap Risk Table

Are there hidden risks exclusively related with your choice of contract? Which master agreement provides your company with the most protection, and which agreement aligns most closely with the commercial/credit/legal needs of your business? Find out why choice of contract really does matter with an in-depth analysis of industry-standard master agreements, and the disparities between those contracts, in the easy-to-use IECA Gap Risk Table. This table, prepared by the IECA Gap Risk Working Group, is sure to be a valuable tool for anyone looking to manage contract risk.

The people who deserve special thanks are Craig Enochs, Chair of the Working Group, Michelle Owens, Kari Olesen, Tara Liscombe, Chris York, Ginger Price, and Kevin Page. The other members of the group were Jeremy Weinstein, Paul Breme, K.C. Hairston, Doug Lanzo, and Joe Yu.

If you are a non-member and would like to purchase this document, please visit our IECA bookstore HERE.



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