The Pathways Alliance, and how Cenovus and Suncor View ESG and Energy Diversification


300 Mountain Ave Banff, AB, Canada T1L 1J2
Banff AB

June 14, 2022
Event Type
Canadian Conference
Susan Grey
Gary Millard

Susan Grey, Director of Sustainability at Cenovus, will speak about the Pathways Alliance, a unique alliance of Canadian energy companies that are working together with the federal and Alberta governments to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050. Susan and Gary Millard, Manager of Sustainability Integration at Suncor, will talk about the Sustainability journey at their respective companies. The second half of the session will involve these esteemed panelists answering questions around ESG and energy diversification, posed by Dr. Yrjo Koskinen, the Associate Dean of Research and Business Impact and the BMO Professor of Sustainable and Transition Finance at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary.

1.0 hr CE        

Objectives:  Learn what some of the largest energy companies in Canada are doing, both individually and as an alliance, to address ESG and energy diversification.