
Committees Help Fulfill Our Mission

IECA volunteer committees are the lifeblood of the organization. Each committee has a unique purpose and list of responsibilities that support the fulfillment of the IECA mission to promote the professionalism of its members by providing continuing education and a forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to credit and financial management of the energy industry.

Interest Committess


Jay Hoellen
Craig Enochs
Reed Smith LLP


The purpose of the Leadership Development Committee is to identify and develop future IECA leaders to facilitate effective leadership and succession planning.

Annual Projects/Responsibilities:

  • Develop educational programs and tools to improve leadership skills
    • Includes Mentoring Program
  • Continue to develop a plan to recruit, engage, recognize and retain volunteers
    • Maintain the leadership database
    • Identify prospective leaders of the future


The Marketing & Communications Committee is dedicated to promoting IECA and strengthening communication among the volunteers, membership, and industry at large.

We are excited to announce we have broken out the MCC into a few different working groups:

-Review, Chaired by Tuyet Storm
-Social Media, Chaired by Billy Joe Reynolds
-Technology, Chaired by Mikhaela McDonald
-Marketing, Chaired by Justin Riddell

Annual Projects/Responsibilities:

  • Review all major communications for consistent branding, messaging and accuracy
  • Produce publications and articles
  • Provide social media content and ideas
  • Ad hoc marketing projects such as digital advertising
  • Strategic development to improve future marketing and communications


The Membership Committee is responsible for the recruitment of new members and the retention of existing members.

Annual Projects/Responsibilities:

  • Develop and execute plan to engage prospects and identify key leads
  • Analyze monthly membership reports and suggest new membership efforts for growth and sustainability.
  • Execute value proposition to retain existing members/renewals
  • Create and execute plan to recruit new members
  • Support push for growth in different geographies including Mexico, Eastern Canada and Singapore.


The Product & Services Advisory Group represents the voice of members whose products and services support credit risk, financial management, legal, and contract administration functions for companies that directly engage in the development, purchase, sale, or transportation of energy.

Annual Projects/Responsibilities:

  • Serve as a sounding board for the volunteer leadership
  • Provide input on the trade show and other sponsor/vendor activities


The Technology Committee is responsible for overseeing the IECA website, database, and any other association technological needs.

Annual Projects/Responsibilities:

Recently, the Technology Committee has been instrumental in helping develop the look, feel, and structure of the new IECA website. The Technology Committee is made up of representatives from Canada, the US and Europe to better touch upon all aspects of what IECA members want to see from a website.

Traditionally, the Technology Committee assists with conference websites (and mobile-friendly platforms), online learning and other areas of IECA communications.

The IECA’s Sustainability Committee has grown from a concept that emerged from the July 2019 strategic planning session to ensure the long-term success of the IECA.   As generally defined, Sustainability is the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld or confirmed.  In a nutshell, the ability to exist constantly.

The IECA has focused significant time and energy on the member value proposition.  It is generally accepted that there is the high value provided in relation to membership or other fees (i.e. conferences).  As we know, in the light of COVID-19, there has been a drastic changing dynamic in credit markets, credit teams doing more with fewer resources, tight budget constraints, and just an overall strain on the energy industry as a whole.

Sustainability is more than just surviving, it is sustaining a level of growth and increasing relevance to our membership and industry. 

To ensure the IECA thrives and remains relevant to its members and industry, a  Sustainability Committee has been created. and is compromised of 3 points/sub-groups:

· Membership:  Focus on member retention, growth, and structure

· Revenue:  Seek and implement other sources of non-sponsorship revenue

· Relevance:  Investigate strategies that may enhance, amplify or expand the essence of our association.

While each sub-committee has a separate purpose, all need to work together to keep the IECA sustainable for years to come. If you are interested in being part of the IECA sustainability efforts, we recommend you volunteering on the IECA membership committee, as membership for the IECA, and most associations is the bloodline of success for the organization!

Sustainability and long-term plans were the strategic mission moving into 2020, and now that is the group’s plan for moving into 2021.

If you have any questions about the IECA’s Sustainability initiative or want to be involved, please contact the IECA Vice President of Sustainability, Nithya Venkatesan, or contact the IECA at

Governance & Advocacy Committees


The Advisory, Nominations & Elections Committee consists of current and past officers to help maintain stable leadership in the future. Please note any member following procedures outlined by our by-laws can make nominations outside the Committee’s recommendations.

Annual Projects/Responsibilities:

  • Develop the slate of Board nominees
  • Present the slate of officers to Board of Directors
  • Serve as strategic advisors to the Board of Directors


The purpose of the Bylaws Committee is to review, on an ongoing basis, the Bylaws of IECA and draft changes at the request of the Board of Directors or mandated by the IECA.

Annual Projects/Responsibilities:

  • To maintain the Bylaws in such condition as to best serve the goals and objectives of the International Energy Credit Association.
  • To maintain the Bylaws so that requirements are clearly stated.
  • To maintain the Bylaws in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws.

The IECA Professionals for Diversity and Inclusion Group (PDIG) can be joined by ANY IECA member to stay in-touch with PDIG initiatives, events, calls, and upcoming opportunities.  The PDIG Committee is a volunteer group including a Chair, Vice-Chair and Board liaison that takes a larger roll in establishing initiatives and responsibilities for PDIG throughout the year.

PDIG is a diverse group comprised of energy professionals from different backgrounds, experiences, cultures and generations, all coming together to share our unique knowledge and experience.

What are the benefits of being a member?
The biggest benefit is being a part of a community that recognizes the value in understanding and educating each other on diversities that can lead to a greater respect for others.  PDIG members also believe that both diversity and inclusion increase the richness of ideas, creative power, and problem-solving ability. PDIG provides an opportunity to be involved with multiple committees and working groups to create an IECA culture of approachability and inclusion.  This applies to Professional, Gender, Cultural, Generational diversities.

Who are welcome to join?- EVERYONE!  Each individual brings a unique perspective based on their life experience and background, which may lead to different approaches and tips for managing credit related risks and working with business partners.

PDIG is focused on:

•Identifying and developing a diverse group of leaders within the IECA membership

•Working with various committees and groups to identify a diverse group of presenters, moderators and volunteers

•Opportunities to eliminate barriers to diversity whether structural or perceptual

•Creating a culture where members talk openly about diversity.

If you are interested in joining or have any questions about PDIG, please e-mail!


1300 Piccard Dr LL-14 Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (202) 963-5370 Fax: (301) 258-9771